Hey everyone! Welcome to another twin flame energy report. I hope you had a fantastic week since the last update. This week I have used the Tarot Illuminate, the Lenormand, Romance Angels and True Love Reading cards. Lets get straight into it! Masculine Energy2 of Cups The twin flame connection is providing the masculine with a lot of strength and peace. It's the "rock" that helps him be strong to overcome the shadow aspects he is currently facing and clearing out. He feels very supported by the feminine and in turn wants to support her in all the ways he can. But he's tying up some loose ends right now, building the foundations within himself and the union stronger and stronger so you can come back together is great harmony. The Wheel of Fortune He is succeeding in completing a major cycle, whether it's releasing karmic cycles, people or negative thought patterns. You are coming into alignment and this card is associated with divine timing. I feel self-worth is the main lesson they are integrating. They are being true to themselves and therefore truth is reflecting and manifesting into their lives. The Tree The masculine is grounding his truth into the 3D. He is preparing to align with the new beginning in self love and the union with his feminine. He is making himself strong so he can also be the "rock" for the feminine. He "slowly but surely" approach has made the roots grow deep, solidifying the foundation for the new beginning to be built upon. The Sun He is coming out of the shadow into great joy, optimism and courage to share his truth. He is seeing clearly, his negative self-image and illusions have dissolved for the most part - the clouds are parting to reveal the sun. His self-esteem is much more solid and integrated. he is seeing himself in his true light.
Express Your Love - "Go Ahead and Make the Romantic Gesture" The masculine is building himself up to make a move. Divine timing is involved so relax and let things unfold naturally. This is a bold step for the masculine and it will likely happen in stages. You may already be experiencing your masculine opening up to you more and more, coming out of his shell and be more vulnerable as time goes on. That's because he is much more emotionally secure within himself, he knows he is more than good enough. Wedding - "This Situation Involves Marriage" The masculine is thinking about marriage with the divine feminine and this is what the two are planning towards. For some of you this card represents the masculine trying to get out of a karmic marriage and end that cycle before moving closer to the feminine. For those not married, it can relate to karmic partners or situations in general that they are moving away from. Worthiness The masculine is so strong now because they know their worth. They've been working hard to integrate their soul truth into their brain! They've successfully overridden many of the negative thought patterns and the inner critic. When they look in the mirror they see their true reflection and this is their self-union. This aligns them to union with the divine feminine.
Feminine's EnergyAce of Cups The feminine is aligned with self-union which means she ready to both give and receive love. This is also aligning her with the new beginning of Oneness with the divine masculine. Love is quite simply overflowing between the two. They are ready to become one on all levels and their love will overflow to the rest of the world. Ten of Wands reversed She is releasing heavy burdens and old cycles to make room for the new to take root. There may be a struggle in tying up the loose ends which could be burning out the feminine quite a bit right now. Stay strong! This is just the stage before the new beginning. Be patient and be thorough in your endeavours to come back into balance within yourself and your life. The Letter This is all about receiving a written message of some kind, communication of love from the masculine. Some of you will hear from your masculine as he communicates the deep love that is bursting out of his chest. For those of you already in communication, the correspondence will be more and more romantic. He will let you know what's going on in his life because he wants to keep you in the loop as he works to help you get closer. This is how he is planting the roots of your connection. The Stars This card is all about your hopes and dreams coming true - "When you wish upon a star..." It's about renewed hopes in your connection but also in other areas of your life you may have felt hopeless or concerned about in the past. The universe is supporting you to make your dreams come true. I feel it's about the feminine learning to receive without trying to control things or be impatient. Slow and steady will make those roots grow strong.
True Love - "This is a Romance of a Lifetime!" Both of you are overflowing with love! This makes you both feel so happy. The connection and correspondence is so romantic and it fulfils the feminine's deep desires to feel cherished and nurtured by the masculine in this way. With the increasing correspondence the feminine will feel truly loved as the masculine will go out of his way time and time again to be romantic with his little gestures of love. The divine masculine does this like no other masculine ever has before! Romantic Feelings - "Your Feelings are Real and Worth Exploring" Both the feminine and masculine are sharing their feelings because they are much more secure within themselves and the relationship. The more love that is shared the more they both feel held and supported. This is what gives the two strength and weaves such a rich tapestry of romance and excitement into their lives. It really is a magical journey! Soulmates Both of you are healing and transforming together. You are such a good team together! Both are "coming out of the shell" more and more (coming out of the chrysalis and spreading your wings as the beautiful butterflies). You are both shining your true colours more and more and energetically it's lifting everyone up around you. The power of your live is truly inspirational! I hope you've enjoyed the energy update! If you would like to receive a Personal Rumi Oracle Message (private video recording) where I meditate upon your energy, pull a card and read it's very detailed description, please book below. I've received such great feedback from these as spirit knows exactly which card and message to pull for you! Love and Light to you! Karen x x Personal Rumi Oracle Message (private video recording)I will shuffle the cards whilst I tune into your energies and pull out a card just for you. I will then record the message in a private video for you. The cards go into a lot of detail and can really provide profound insights for you. The recorded message will last between 7 - 12 minutes. Please allow 72 hours for your private message video link to be emailed to you. **This is simply me reading the detailed description for the card so please don't send me questions. If you like, you can think of a question in your mind as you purchase the Personal Message and the card will answer your question. Must be 18 years or over and agree to terms and conditions. $11.11 USD