- I Believe, I Receive: Removing Blocks to Receive Love Powerful Activation MP3
I Believe, I Receive: Removing Blocks to Receive Love Powerful Activation MP3
Has there ever been a time in your life when all you wanted was a loving relationship but you felt as though the universe was keeping that from you? No matter what you did a relationship would never get off the ground or deepen into a true commitment? Have you experienced the heartbreaking feeling of blaming yourself or feeling as though you're being punished by the universe?
I can help you see this in a completely different light, which will actually help your love life shift in a profoundly positive way! You will begin attracting healthy relationships with the types of people whom are emotionally available and desiring a commitment just as much as you are.
I have created a powerful meditation called "I Believe, I Receive: Removing Blocks To Receive Love" which guides you on a journey to see that past relationships didn't work out in order to steer you in the RIGHT direction towards TRUE happiness and love, towards true union with a soulmate or twin flame. I help you to truly understand that the universe has always been supporting you to align you with what is best for you, your highest good, even if it didn't seem that way at times.
You see, the universe always has our back and is truly wanting us to experience the best love possible for us. They were trying to help us turn our focus away from those who weren't serving us so we could look inwards and love ourselves first in order to achieve true happiness within and attract the RIGHT person, our true soulmate who would reflect back to us our own self-love vibration. It's all about resonance. If we aren't fully loving ourselves then we cannot align with true love on the outside either. The universe was trying to get us happy in our own skin on our own so we can love ourselves unconditionally and become that high vibration in order to have that mirrored back to us on the outside in the form of a happy and harmonious relationship.
However, when we still have subconscious beliefs in the background telling us that the universe is conspiring against us, or is "punishing" us by withholding love from us, then this subconscious belief manifests as blocks to us receiving love. Whatever we believe we receive.
In this meditation I help you reconnect with the universe so your soul family can show you just how much they love you and truly want the best for you. I help you to break down those old limiting beliefs and blocks in order to integrate the truth that you deserve true love and the universe is assisting you in achieving that. All it takes is to shift into trust and faith that the universe is serving you and knows you are totally worthy of everything you wish to receive. And then you can surrender and give up trying to control things as the universe helps everything manifest in divine order for you. You see, it's about getting out of our own way to allow our highest good to flow in!
Let me shift you into your soulmate manifestation today!
Meditation Specifics
- 40 mins length
- MP3 Plays on iPhone, Android, PC, MP3 player etc.
- Instant download.
For legal reasons I must state that this MP3 is for entertainment purposes only.