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- Powerful Fear Removal to Attract Love Meditation
Powerful Fear Removal to Attract Love Meditation
One of our biggest fears surrounding our twin flame connection is often the idea that union will never happen. This fear stirs up all sorts of painful emotions - abandonment, rejection, terror, heartbreak - no fun at all! To make matters worse, our fears make us act in all sorts of desperate ways that actually push away our twin flame - paranoia, jealousy, clingyness, bitterness etc. Our inner child is crying out to be loved in all the ways we felt abandoned and rejected in childhood.
When we yearn so badly for outer validation from our twin to the point of feeling desperate, energetically this repels union because we mistakenly believe we NEED union in order to feel happy, whole, loved etc, but our soul is trying to teach us to first align with union within - taking responsibility for our own emotional wellbeing.
In this meditation I take you to the heart of your fears. Instead of avoiding the fears by looking outside of yourself to your twin for validation and thus continuing to block the union, we will explore integrating these fears. Through allowing ourselves to get more comfortable with the possibility of life without union, with being happy and fulfilled regardless of what happens with our twin flame, we release the fears and allow the flow of our highest good to come into our lives. This opens us up to receiving union with our twin, if that is for our highest good. If not, then we have created a space to become fulfilled and happy within ourselves and our lives regardless, so it's a win-win situation!
Through releasing the fears and knowing you will be okay, more than okay, if union didn't happen, you reach inner union. You know that you are always in control of your perspective of how you see and live your life and so you can be happy if you choose to be no matter what.
This meditation activation removes the fears, brings you comfort and allows you to relax and align with inner union and outer union.
40 mins length
For legal reasons I must state that this MP3 is for entertainment purposes only.
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