I can help you heal your biggest twin flame union blocks and align you with union I have created a powerful union alignment chakra healing meditation that is like no other! It goes through the 7 individual chakras and heals any blockages or imbalances regarding your twin flame connection. We look into releasing co-dependency and replacing that with high self-esteem and independence. This is vital for truly surrendering and getting out of the fear vibration. Only through ascending into deeper self-love and self-esteem can twin flame union occur.
With each chakra we look into the common blocks and remove them in a gentle but firm manner. I guide you through a powerful process to help you release any counterproductive tendencies that are interfering with your union alignment.
I help you to cultivate a strong sense of self so that you truly understand that your worth is not dependent on your twin flame's actions in any way. You are lovable! I help you to really know this on a deep level. This self-love and self-approval is the most powerful and effective way to align into twin flame union - as within, so without. That is the truth of the law of attraction.
This is a remarkably powerful meditation. Be prepared for union! It may happen with the current man or woman you have in mind, but then again you may discover your twin flame is someone else who manifests into your life seemingly "out of the blue" after doing this meditation for a while. You see it's all about aligning with the twin flame energy and not a specific person. Your true twin flame will show up for you after you heal in this way, whomever it turns out to be.