Welcome back for another weekly energy update. I hope you are enjoying your week. For this report I am using the Incidental Tarot by by Holly DeFount, which is absolutely stunning. |
How to Unite with Your Twin Flame AudioBook
"Once we become the embodiment of our soul essence, who we TRULY are as a soul, then our truth is mirrored back to us, our soul is mirrored back to us in our Twin Flame Reunion." |
The Arrow Key / Ace of Swords reversed
Spirit is saying they are not fully seeing themselves clearly so it is not time for them to fully communicate their truth clearly. This may lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings. They are breaking through illusion slowly but surely, but through this process many shadow aspects come to be purged.
Two of Cups reversed
A misunderstanding where the masculine may not have seen clearly could lead to a clash of the masculine and feminine, an imbalance coming up. Projected fears of authenticity are coming into the light. It may be rocky for a while but the lesson will become clear. The feminine will realise, by reflection of the masculine, the ways in which she has subconsciously been holding back the truth out of fear. The mirrored block will rise into the light to be dissolved.
Nine of Cups reversed
Ultimately, the masculine feels that his dreams of union will not come into fruition or his dreams will one day be shattered if he moves deeper into his authenticity. He may still be dealing with inner contradictions of love vs fear and on one level he knows his dreams will come to fruition, but on another level of conditioning he is doubting how it can actually come about.
Ten of Pentacles
Success in union will happen at the divine time, a union on all levels. This is the card of the older man whom has provided stability for his children and their families. His main fulfilment has been to be the traditional provider. This is what the masculine wants to be on all levels and is working towards. He wants to do it right. The old man did not build his legacy overnight - it took many years to build up. This is the masculine's dream he is working hard to achieve.
The Universe wants you to receive the deepest and happiest love possible. Remove stubborn beliefs that the universe is punishing you or withholding love from you and create BULLET PROOF FAITH in the Divine. Whatever we believe, we manifest! |
The Moon
The Divine Feminine is walking down the scary path of revealing more truth. This unveiling of truth will likely come about by triggering this week. It will be a blessing in disguise. Over all she trusts in the divine and he inner guidance and it's leading her where she needs to be. The triggering will be a result of projecting fear into your present and your future, based on past experiences. The pattern of thought will come into the light to be transmuted.
Two of Pentacles
Interestingly the masculine had this same card and in this exact same position too. The feminine is balancing love and career, working hard to bring everything into balance. If you've recently been taking on too much in your life or in your work then this card indicates you are finally coming back into balance. things are becoming more manageable and you follow your inner guidance of the Moon card.
Awakening / Judgement in reverse
There are fears of fully surrendering into your truth. A fear to rise up, release certain things that brought you a false sense of security but were ultimately keeping you imprisoned in burnout and overwhelm. But as I said, you are working through this right now. Clarity will return if you take the time out to go inwards.
Blue Buddha / Hermit
So the feminine will be returning inwards for answers and insight. It is a time to re-evaluate what is serving you and what isn't. Burnout leaves no room for positive change. You will be back on track before you know it as long as you follow your inner light.
Chakra Balance Powerful Healing Violet Flame Meditation
"This is such a relaxing yet very powerful meditation. I am feeling much more at peace and balanced since doing this meditation on a weekly basis. I love your soothing voice! It's definitely helping me feel more calm and in tune in my twin flame connection." - Lauren |
The Empress
You are creating a lot of abundance in all areas of your life. Once you get out of your own way by releasing things that are taking up too much space, you will have create a vacuum for the new to flow in abundantly. Growth is happening within yourselves and within your union. The birth of the new is just around the corner.
Eight of Pentacles
You are working hard and it is paying off. You are planning ahead for the future just as the masculine is and your harvest will come in when it's the right time. This is how the feminine is grounding her inner masculine - by getting the physical in order, to be a reflected balance of your inner truth.
Four of Swords
Take some rest. You've been too caught up in your head and over-thinking things. You may be experiencing physical symptoms if you continue to ignore your souls call to rejuvenate yourself right now. Come back to your heart. What is your intuition telling you you need to release and bring into balance. There's a good way to bring in those 8 of pentacles where you are co-creating with the divine and there's a resistant way of trying to bring in the security, by over-taxing yourself and actually blocking your abundance becaus eof a lack of trust in the universe.
Three of Wands
The feminine is waiting for her ship to come in. She knows divine timing is involved in all things she is wanting to manifest. She is patient and continues to stay in the present moment whilst working hard to build the future.
Both the masculine and feminine are working on building their physical structure and finances right now. They are both feeling this soul call to ground themselves in this way. There may be some misunderstanding and miscommunications this week but it's all part of the triggering designed to illuminate illusion into truth to be transformed.
Have a blessed week,
Love Karen x
Watch next...
"The DM is Going to Reach Out" ~ Messages from the Divine Masculine ~ 4th June 2018
Peter Mikael Söderling
6/5/2018 02:06:28 pm
Could the Divine union between DM/DF really be about the male and the female energi inside of us? A deeper connection and a big connection in love and respekt to us selves and NOT to another human being ?! "I Am" ❤️🙏🏾
Ariffa Gill
6/5/2018 02:34:14 pm
Will book a reading from you soon.
Thank you for everything Karen..
Love and blessings
Ariffa ♥️♥️🌹💟
6/5/2018 02:58:07 pm
Wow Karen, you are spot on! Triggering, misunderstandings etc
He has not been talking to me for ages so I messaged him today to reveal some harsh truths about his karmic and himself, a bit like Ace of Swords, cutting through with words and getting to the very core.... I expect this might trigger him too and he will get upset with me but at this point I don't care because I want this truth to come out. So, all in all, it seems it will be quite a bad week for the masculines...
6/5/2018 03:24:46 pm
I really like this new way of your energy report, I feel this reading really resonates. My DM has really talked to me in almost 2 weeks. I feel good for the most part I am a very strong lady, but it is starting to annoy me a little. I go about my business and do what I need to do for me. I feel the energies as u have indicated with this reading, but I know there is light at the end of the tunnel it is all divinely guided❤️
6/5/2018 03:34:07 pm
My misunderstanding took place today this morning before this reading came out. I have no idea what's going to happen now and I'm devastated. All I can do is keep working on me and wait for him to realize the whole thing was a misunderstanding but the fact that this reading came out after it happened and was in the reading was amazing.
6/6/2018 02:54:22 pm
Thank you so much xx
Akanksha Patel
6/8/2018 10:09:07 am
To the point accurate
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